As the Future Vintage Project draws nearer to closing time, we’re launching a challenge designed to amp up the sexy for the last run.
We’ve heard some of our Vintagists say, “But these are nicest pants I have, I don’t want to ruin them.”
Trust us, if you think you like them now, they’re even better once they are well broken in. And if you are the lucky winner, you can use the $1,000 to buy yourself a nice new pair you can wear to church.
The latest challenge, Challenge 5, is dubbed “The Final Push.” Since these are the final days of the project, Cult is encouraging you to do your best to abuse the hell out of your jeans. Remember, the more you beat on them, the better they’ll fit, and the greater character they’ll have. And that’s what Ron Poisson, creative director and founder of Cult is looking for; massive amounts of character. And in the end, that’s what’s going to win the $1,000 prize.
So – go ahead, bash them, trash them, drag them down the street, strain your home-brew through them, put wipe your paints and varnishes on them, carve a canoe with your butt for all they care… as long as you’re wearing your Cults. Then post your pictures of how abused they’re getting with #CultFutureVintage and #CultDenim and whatever else you want to tag them with.
Have an awesome challenge, and good luck to all!